Steven Li Apps

廁所喺邊 Where's My Toilet 3
Steven Li
提供香港各區廁所位置,包括商場、政府大樓、大會堂、圖書館、公園、體育館、運動場、街市及公共廁所。同時透過GPS尋找最近的廁所。Providing the location of toilets in Hong Kong, including shoppingmalls, government buildings, city halls, libraries, parks, sportscenters, sports grounds, markets and public toilets.Moreover, you can get the location of the nearest toilet throughGPS.Provide the toiletlocation of Hong Kong, including shopping malls, governmentbuildings, town halls, libraries, parks, stadiums, sports grounds,markets and public toilets.Meanwhile, through GPS to find the nearest toilet. Providing the location of toilets in Hong Kong, including shoppingmalls, government buildings, city halls, libraries, parks, sportscenters, sports grounds, markets and public toilets.Moreover, you can get the location of the nearest toilet throughGPS.
Widget Calculator (WidgeTools) 1.0
Steven Li
The most useful, convenient, beautiful widgetcalculator for your homescreen.SIX major functions:- Edit the operation formula and calculate- Save the result for the next calculation- Change Size (for Android 3.0 or higher), Choose Size (for android2.2 or higher)- Change Themes (8 themes to choose in total)- Multi-widget (More than 1 widget calculator at the sametime)- Support different Android OS8 Themes:- Whole Black- Black and white- Red- Orange- Blue- Purple- White- Glass